Saturday, 13 June 2009

egg & egg

Fantastic blog on Korean music, and I don't mean K-Pop at all


N. Korea digs tunnels in Myanmar to earn dollars

Koreans biggest cellphone chatters


I've been re-reading a 12 part travelogue by Conor Purcell, aka Seoul Man. I first read his piercing, acerbic articles before coming to Korea, and now I can appreciate how bang on they are about certain things out here in SK.


  1. Seoul Man, spot on? I'm not so sure. But it is interesting to see how his observations of 2002 are proven wrong or backed-up, either partially or completely, with the events of seven years later. The people haven't changed, but the news stories have. He may put a little too much emphasis on the current event of the time and overlook the bigger picture, but it's still interesting.

  2. But that's the beauty of doing what we're doing. Thinking you've got things figure out, just to learn a few months later that you were completely wrong.
