never one to turn down a free meal, i went for spaghetti with my school director the other night. for an hour or so i tried to understand what she was saying as i guzzled, digested my delicious meal. excellent sauce.
she took me to a coffee shop where we again attempted communication. i had peppermint tea and she had hot chocolate. the sip i tasted of her cocoa was the most divine sip of my life. and a beautiful girl sat on the elevated floor to my left as i sifted through a book of aspirational quotes down the ages. Notting Hill ran on my boss' laptop.
hungry at 4pm for a snack, i bought a bag of garlic bread bites from the store opposite my school. ambling up the stairs, the elementary kids went wild seeing me with food, gathering round me like vultures for a share of the goodies. in less than a minute i was left with nothing, but the 3 or so bites i did have tided me over til 6.
i think Uncle Tomato might be getting worried.
day after my spaghetti, i had takeaway with the teachers - another free meal - and then last night i ate Korean (or Japanese), tucking into a bowl of fried rice and kimchi & spawn, my first time and my, what a dish. and the soup provided was unique, a taste hard to describe and so divine i asked the owner what was in it. guy had no idea.
earlier in the day i was lucky to see another foreigner in the area. she stood at a bus stop, pretty girl, same age bracket. my pathetic attempt at a friendly nod was futile from the start, seeing as she was more concerned with the Twix bar in her mouth. a pity, but to be expected. i'm cutting out the nodding, i swear.
the day ended with me bumping into 2 friendly women who invited me to their Sunday church service. they then introduced me to a stunning woman who used to live in London. she asked for my number so i obliged, hearing the baby cry from her backseat midflow.
i think i'm going to quit nodding after what happened to me last night, too. i got the dirtiest look imaginable from another white guy with an SK flag on his backpack when i attempted to casually say 'hi'
ReplyDeletei think this describes his persona
and most of all